At Jelly Bean Junction, we believe in achieving quality improvement continuously.

We kindly invite you to participate in a survey designed to help us enhance the quality of our services. In this survey, we aim to assess how our service meets your expectations and how it compares to those of our leading competitors. Your valuable feedback will provide us with insights into areas where we can make improvements, ensuring that we continue to deliver a high level of service. Additionally, we would love to know if you would be willing to recommend our services to friends, family, or colleagues. Your responses will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our offerings, and we greatly appreciate your time and input. Thank you for helping us grow and improve!


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3. Please rate our QUALITY of SERVICE by comparing it to other benchmarks:
Much worseSomewhat worseAbout the sameSomewhat betterMuch better
As compared to your expectation NOW
Much worse
Somewhat worse
About the same
Somewhat better
Much better
As compared to your expectation when you first enrolled
Much worse
Somewhat worse
About the same
Somewhat better
Much better
As compared to the top competing schools that you visited before you chose us
Much worse
Somewhat worse
About the same
Somewhat better
Much better
7. Based on your experience with us, how likely are you to recommend our services to your friends and families
Not at allNot likelyNeutralSomewhat LikelyRecommend Strongly
Not at all
Not likely
Somewhat Likely
Recommend Strongly
8. Finally, how likely are you to give us a positive review on social media
Not at allNot likelyNeutralSomewhat LikelyI would love to
Not at all
Not likely
Somewhat Likely
I would love to