Our Before and Aftercare Program is for children currently in kindergarten through 6th grade. Jelly Bean Junction provides transportation with our safe and conspicuous vans to and from public schools in the Melbourne area. Weekly tuition for the before and aftercare program includes breakfast (if the child is here by 7:15 am) and an afternoon snack. In the afternoon, children have snack, homework time, outdoor play time, and an opportunity to participate in structured arts and crafts activities along with the ability to relax after their busy school day.
On days when Jelly Bean Junction is open and public schools are closed, care is offered to current aftercare students and children who were previously enrolled at JBJ. (If your child was not previously enrolled at Jelly Bean Junction, please contact us prior to scheduled days off to complete enrollment paperwork and pay necessary fees, pending openings.)
JELLY BEAN JUNCTION’s Before and Aftercare Program offers children a safe and engaging environment. Here’s what you can expect:
The public schools that Jelly Bean Junction currently services for our Before and Aftercare Program are:
Call 321-242-2011 for more information about our amazing childcare center!