At JELLY BEAN JUNCTION, we supply all meals: breakfast which ends by 8:00 am, lunch, and an afternoon snack. Staff communicates with all parents via Procare.
Toddler Program Staff use the Learning Beyond Paper curriculum to create lesson plans. Each week, our toddler classrooms have a new Letter of the Week based on their Weekly Theme. Artwork is sent home in Friday Folders.
Children have the opportunity for multiple outside play-times, which focus on physical activity, socialization, and language building. We request wearing sneakers and socks (no sandals or flip-flops) and comfortable play clothes to enjoy their outside time.
This is our youngest one-year-old class. Staff track the type of diaper changes, nap times, meals, incidents, and most daily activities using the Procare App. Parents are responsible for bringing diapers, wipes, extra clothes, a fitted crib sheet and small blanket for naptime, and a sippy cup. Teachers will notify parents when more items are needed through the message feature on Procare.
These are our older one-year-old classes. Children are typically 18 months up to 2 ½ years.
Children are immersed in an array of activities, including art, circle time, and songs. Art activities stimulate their creativity and fine motor skills. Circle time builds their social skills and sense of community. Finally, songs have a magical way of capturing children’s attention and encouraging movement and expression.
All activities are logged through the Procare App just as they are in the Dragonfly class.
The Bear Cub classroom is our younger 2-year-old room. We begin working with open cups during mealtimes. We also begin to prepare the children for potty training. The focus is on learning through play, utilizing the foundation of Learning Beyond Paper.
Call 321-242-2011 for more information about our amazing childcare center!