
Check out what parents are saying about JELLY BEAN JUNCTION! Hear their stories and see why they love our programs. If you also have your own experience that you want to share, we’d love to hear from you! Fill out the form to send your testimonials or reviews!

4 responses to “What Our Parents Say”

  1. My daughter has attended Jelly Bean Junction since she was about 6 months old, she just graduated from VPK program in May 2019. She is still enrolled their for summer care before Kindergarten starts. It is bittersweet to move on, exciting for Bella to start Kindergarten but sad to leave Jelly Bean! The 5 years spent at Jelly Bean have been amazing, with all the worries we have as parents, not having to worry about her care while we worked has been invaluable to us. They have gone above and beyond to care for her with very high standards across the board. She has always been very clean, well fed, well taught, potty trained and above all that happy. She was always happy when we dropped her off and happy when we picked her up. All of the teachers throughout the years were so sweet and loving to all the kids. The owners Denise and her husband are very kind and trustworthy, as is the office staff. Lindsay and Caitlin do a great job of taking care of administrative things and always are there with a smile to greet you. We only have a few weeks left and then Bella is off to Kindergarten. I know she is well prepared, thanks to Jelly Bean Junctions amazing preschool and VPK program!

  2. My son has been to 4 different daycare centers in his short life and Jelly Bean by FAR is the best. They treat the children as if they are their own. Actually many of the teachers have their own kids attend. I’m always very concerned for my child safety and this place is amazing. The ladies and gentlemen at the front desk know every parent and child by name. My son was there for day care and as well for their VPK program and still to this day he says his favorite teachers are there.

  3. We’ve been a part of Jelly Bean Junction family for over 5 years. We absolutely love this place and their amazing staff. The owners are very professional and devoted to their bussines. This it the only place where my children want go over summer break. The summer camp is so much fun and offers daily activities and field trips. Highly recommended!

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